I run ultra marathons. This profiles my race reports and training runs. The good and the bad.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Rockin' K 50 mile race

Well I loved the race so much last year that I couldn't wait to go back and do it again. Phil and Stacy Sheridan have been great race directors. They have made the race quoting Mark Berry "a family reunion" feel with the unique race tags to the one of a kind finishers award.

Went to the pre-race meal and got to catch up with my fellow ultra friends and make new friends. The food was top notch as usual. I appreciate all the people that took part in making this race happen. I think Phil should take up a gig as a stand up comedian. He always has his own spin on the pre-race meeting that brings a smile to everyone.

We stayed in McPherson Friday night and when we stepped outside Saturday morning it had just started raining. We thought we were in for a long day. The farther north we went the harder it was raining. After we left Linsburg, we drove out of it and the road was dry. I was never so happy to see that.

Phil gave us the pre-race briefing and while he was doing that everyone was giving each other hugs and taking pictures.

Before we knew it, Phil said go and we were off. I took off like a light and was in pretty good position. I came to the first water crossing and I lost my shoe. Three miles into the race and I already have wet feet. Great!

With losing my shoe I got passed by a good amount of people. I settled in and was able to run at a good pace. Came in to the manned aid-station at mile 13.1 doing well. Filled my bottles, ate a little and I was off. I hit those hills in Big Bluff, they knocked the air right out of me. Coming back in to the aid station, I walked in. Very embarassing to me. I like to give the volunteers that all is well and I am feeling strong so they don't get concerned.

I was losing momentum from the aid station back to the start/finish. Came in to the start/finish in 5:15 and sat on a picnic table and was exhausted. Took about five minutes to gain my composure and tried to eat a PB&J, but could not swallow it. So I drank a bottle of water and refilled them again and headed out for the second loop.

I walked to the trail and started a shuffle. I could not sustain a decent running pace for more than a few minutes. I thought this is going to be a long twenty-four miles. The wind really picked up on the second loop and already being tired made it that much more dificult to push myself.

I came out of the funk after about four or five miles. I ran into Matty and we hung together for a while. He seemed to be doing okay. He needed to stop and use the restroom and told me to go ahead and he would catch up with me. I walked for a while and never saw him. I thought he might have picked up another runner. I decided to take off and get this done.

Got back to the manned aid station and the legs were really starting to feel it. I got my bottles filled and was able to eat some this time and was off. I noticed about a mile into Big Bluff that I was starting to feel the signs of possible cramps in my hamstrings. I luckily went out with Debbie Johnson and told her what was going on and she gladly gave me three S-caps. we ran together through the whole loop and later on I told her that I thought the S-caps should have started working, but they haven't. So she offered me a piece of rock salt. I put that in my mouth and sucked on it. I also went through both bottles of Infinit on that five mile loop.

To put it in perspective, I usually go through two bottles in around 10-14 miles. Debbie saved my butt. Thank you so much. I got back to the aid station and drank another whole bottle of water and had them refilled again. Was able to have a quarter of a PB&J right out of the package and it was great. Had a hand full of M&M's and a banana and was off to the finish.

Shortly down the trail I met up with Kimberly. I never caught her last name, but it was realy nice having company going in. She is from Newton, so she is fimuilar with Wichita. We were able to talk about areas I train in and about the city itself. Just the small talk everyone does to pass the time and keep our mind off the task at hand. Time flew by and before we knew it, we were at the water crossings. We had to do quite a bit of walking in the time we were together. Neither one of us had a whole lot left in the tank.

We trampled through the red sand after the water crossings and and shuffled up the last couple of hills and hit the horse trails next to the blacktop road. We walked this to the point where we entered the black top road and ran to the finish. Was very happy to see all the supporters who were still there.  We were extra excited to see our spouses as we came up the hill. Chris W said it best in his race report. It is so nice to give that hug from Stacy and see how happy she is to see you pass that finish line.

Had some great conversation with friends and some good chili and waited around to see the last of the  milers finish and headed home. Stopped in McPherson and did something I have never done before. I ordered a number one extra value meal, which I have done many times before, but on top of that I ordered a six piece nugget and I still was not full. I don't advise that unless you have just went out and burnt twelve thousand calories or so that day.

Thank you very much to all the volunteers that came out to make our experience a great one. Looking forward to next year with the race director reins being passed to Sturat and Eldon. I know you guys are going to continue to make it an unforgettable experience.
Finish time 11:27:00 (unofficial, this is what Patsy saw on the finish clock) and 51.48 miles on the garmin for distance.

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