I run ultra marathons. This profiles my race reports and training runs. The good and the bad.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thursday training

I have a good word of advice for you all out there. Don't go to Popeye's and have spicy tenders, mashed potato's and biscuits, then within an hour, go try to run. I went to the Y and attempted to do a training run on a full stomach.

I did real good up to around 4.5 miles and it all went down hill from there. I had planned to do 10 miles. I decided to stop at 8.35 miles. I was doing too many walk breaks. The food was way to heavy on my stomach to keep a good pace for any length of time. I figured another 1.65 miles would take me another 25 minutes and I was ready to get off the treadmill.

I am doing a half marathon this Saturday, then I am going to really back off on training a lot. My Achilles is not doing well and I need to let it heal up before I go pace my friend Mark Berry at Black Hills 100 in two weeks. So I will not be post many runs, only cross training workouts.

Like I said I ran 8.35 miles in 1:20:10


  1. So, Steve, I guess I'm going to have to rethink the bucket of Popeye's chicken for the 50 mile aid station...

  2. We can save that for a after race meal. LOL
