I run ultra marathons. This profiles my race reports and training runs. The good and the bad.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Saturday's Long Run

I set out on my Saturday long run just before 11:30 this morning. It was a little cool out which was a good thing. I decided to run through the streets of Wichita instead of the trail. I wanted a break from the ticks and other creepy crawlies.

This was the best time I have ever recorded on the training run at this distance. Everything went great up to 15 miles and like I expected, my stomach started to give me fits. I stopped and filled my bottles and got a nutri-grain bar and some peanut M&M's. I got the nutri-grain bar down, but did not feel like eating the M&M's. So that is all the food I ate through the whole run.

I am amazed that I did not fall out with not having any energy. The last 3 miles or so, I did some walk/running to get home. I really wish I could figure out what to do to calm my stomach on runs to be able to feel like eating to have plenty of energy to get stronger and perform better.

Any suggestions from you readers would be helpful what works for you. I will try anything to have a better experience training.

I also did a short run Friday night to scope out the location I will be doing my fun run next Saturday the 19th. The ticks and mosquito's were out in full force. It was pretty bad time to be out on the trails. It was almost dusk.

Friday night: 4.66 in 1:15:30
Saturday run: 30.42 in 5:47:02

1 comment:

  1. check out this podcast, also just search the site, GI issues is something Ben Greenfield covers a lot. http://www.bengreenfieldfitness.com/2012/04/what-to-eat-during-triathlons/
